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Bao Minh Group


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您当前的位置/Your current location:首页/Home » 新闻/News » 宝明集团将建立Hoàn Mỹ贸易促进中心BM Group is going to establish Hoàn Mỹ Trading Promotion Center
宝明集团将建立Hoàn Mỹ贸易促进中心BM Group is going to establish Hoàn Mỹ Trading Promotion Center
发布时间/Release time:2014-09-01        浏览次数/Views:465        返回列表/Backlist
 宝明集团将建立Hoàn Mỹ贸易促进中心
Hoàn Mỹ贸易促进中心经过精心的组织策划,有着专业、语言能力强、训练有素的销售人员、市场研究人员和销售主管等。 Hoàn Mỹ贸易促进中心将不断地更新来自alibaba.com,ebay.com,masterseek.com,tradeford.com等一些著名网站上的最新信息,同时也将外国合作伙伴的风俗、习惯和规则放在网站上。
Hoàn Mỹ贸易促进中心同时在海外进口供应方面扮演重要的角色,例如,供应消费品、用品和材料……特别是科技、机械以及发达国家的先进设备等来更新越南的机械设备。(中国进出口网整理翻译)

BM Group is going to establish Hoàn Mỹ Trading Promotion Center
Creating a newly effective input and output for the import-Export goods by many specific strategies and plans is always our dream. A stable imput-output system not only helps enterprise build business relationships for itself but also give a lot of chances for other business approaching new customers from both inside and outside the country. Producers can dismantle many difficulties while seeking for the consumer as well as importing material, facilities, machines from oversea manufacturers.
Hoàn Mỹ Trading Promotion Center is well organised from the professional, language proficiency, well-trained marketing staff, market researchers, sale executive staff. Hoàn Mỹ will constantly updat the newest information from the well-known websites like : alibaba.com, ebay.com, masterseek.com, tradeford.com....together with the customs, habits, rules of the foreign partners.
Hoàn Mỹ also plays an important role as a provider many goods imported from the oversea manufacturers such as: consumer goods, supplies and materials...and especially: technology, machinery, advanced equipment in developed countries to equip the processing in Vietnam.